Monday, May 27, 2013

Who I am...

It's just me, Emily!
Was inspired by a favorite book of mine when I was a litttle girl. It is a tale of a young girl who has a wild imagination and plays a game make-believe with her mother.

In a lot of ways, I am still like that. I have a wild imgaination and love to be creative. Now at the young age of 24 (almost 25) my dreams have slightly, changed. Instead of pretending to make food in my playskool kitchen, I am creating really food with real and fresh ingrediants. Instead of playing house with my brother and bossing him around, I am now living in a real house with my husband and with all the "fun" tasks that come along with being a homeowner.

I wanted to create this blog a snapshot of some of my creations, ideas and thoughts and imagination. It is almost rare to be this young, married, a homeowner, and wanting to be domestic.

My parents are shocked that I am married. They love my husband, but ever since I could talk I was going to do something big. When I was in school I was going to be the next "Katie Couric" and set out for New York. I didn't need a man, I was going to do my own thing: live in the big city with a modern flat and then maybe think about settling down after 30.
Funny how things change.

Funnier yet, how I love this life I now lead. Some days I ask my husband to make more money so I can stay at home and be a "housewife." We are truely enjoying married life, but the whole "motherly" instinct has not yet kicked in. Which we are more than both ok with.

Frankly, we both enjoy being selfish. We are both career minded individuals, emloyed at large corporations here in Minneapolis. We enjoy our quiet Saturday morning, sipping coffee and reading the paper (I know we are old). We enjoy going for our bike rides every evening, we enjoy going on vacation,  we enjoy going out to new resturants (with the amount of new places and gastropubs we have fallen in love with, I am now considering us "foodies").

While all these things sound extranvagant, we strive to live a frugal live. (Cue, my creativity.) I strive to buy healthy, fresh fruits and veggies at a reasonable price. We don't go out every night and I love to open the freezer or fridge and see what concoctions I can create, fast and fresh!

So in this blog I hope to share some of my creations on:
  • Cooking
  • Entertaining
  • Dating
  • Personal Gifts
  • Saving money
  • Home Decorating
...and just me, being my imaginative domestic self!


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